Dragon age inquisition patch notes pc
Dragon age inquisition patch notes pc

dragon age inquisition patch notes pc

  • Fixed situation that could result in a hang on the start menu.
  • Fixed mouse cursor flashing while targeting AOEs.
  • Fixed loading Icon not animating while Mantle creates shaders during load screens.
  • Fixed issue where mouse-up events were missed when dragging off of UI elements and then releasing the mouse button.
  • fixed case where extra mouse-up events were triggering in UIs.
  • dragon age inquisition patch notes pc

    Fixed case where clicking quickbar elements in Eyefinity would trigger attacks.Fixed being able to toggle UI state for the tactical camera on the quickbar when the tactical camera is unusable.Fixed being able to drag abilities from a tree that was not selected onto the quickbar.


    Hiding the HUD on the PC will now hide all UI elements.Added an option to enable / disable tactical camera on mouse wheel scroll out.Added ability to rotate character models with the mouse in UI’s that show character models.Hair should be less shiny on lower quality settings.Pressing the interact key (default “F”) will take everything from containers.Fixed case where followers could float above the ground after extended periods of play.Fixed several conversation lines which would take a very long time to advance to the next line unless they were manually skipped.Increased duration that search highlights things, and added highlighted items to radar while they are highlighted.

    dragon age inquisition patch notes pc

    Fixed case where users who changed their voice off of default, would have their voice set back to default when interacting with Hawke’s chargen settings.Fixed case where game would incorrectly think the player has more than one race/class/gender.We have a patch for PC, Ps3, Ps4, and Xbox 360 coming out today to address some of the issues players have been having. They've released the details of the upcoming patch which can be found here:

    Dragon age inquisition patch notes pc